Community Services Agency (CSA)
For more than 50 years, Community Services Agency has been providing vital social services for residents of Mountain View, Los Altos and Los Altos Hills. We understand that hardship can come at any time and knows no age limit. We provide a safety net so independence and self-sufficiency can be restored and maintained. Our clients may be a young, working poor family or an elderly person looking for companionship.
CSA is a non-profit organization that offers emergency assistance, senior assistance services, Alpha Omega Homeless Services and a holiday sharing program.
Project Cornerstone, an initiative of the Silicon Valley YMCA, trains parents, adult relatives and adult friends to lead literature-based classroom discussions for the Asset Building Champions (ABC) and Los Dichos programs, as well as a variety of student and adult trainings on asset development and bullying prevention. On the Project Cornerstone page, you may download the 41 Developmental Assets that Project Cornerstone and the Search Institute put together (based on age). Studies show that the more of these assets or traits students have, the more successful they will be in life. In addition, they will be less likely to participate in negative or at-risk behavior. Kids with 30-41 assets will thrive; while, kids with 1-10 assets will struggle.
Understanding Child Anxiety and Stress
El Camino Hospital professionals led a seminar for parents on how anxiety and stress affects children and teenagers. Click here for the slideshow presentation.