Get Involved

How Graham Families Can Help

The key to a successful school is having involved parents. Here are several ways to contribute throughout the year:

Join the PTA
The Graham Parent-Teacher Association supports teachers and funds programs for all Graham students.

The English Learner Advisory Committee is a group of parents and teachers that work together to help English learners meet the requirements to reclassify as proficient in English.

Join the School Site Council
The Graham School Site Council is a group of parents, teachers and classified staff that work with the principal to evaluate school improvement programs. Members are elected and usually serve for two years.

Sign on for Yard Duty
Would you like to monitor our parking circle at drop off times or supervise students during lunch? We have hourly paid positions available. Please email [email protected] if you are interested.

Become a Volunteer
Please see the district website for more information and email [email protected] if you are interested.

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