Graham After-School Sports

Visit the Graham Sports home page for information about P.E. and sports during school hours and after-school sports and for permission slips, donation forms, schedules and locations of sporting events and practices.

Donations towards the after school sports program pays for coaches, referees, uniforms, and equipment replacement. MVEF pays for all of transportation costs. Donations are not required to participate, but sufficient donations are necessary to sustain a quality After School Sports program.

Suggested donation: $80

More Information

To try out and attend practice, athletes must turn in an After-School Sports Emergency form (one per year) that has been filled out by a parent. Forms are available from the school office and the P.E. locker rooms. They will also be given out in P.E. classes.

Questions? Please email the Graham athletic directors, Mr. Harter at [email protected] and Mrs. Saunders at [email protected]


Funded by MVEF

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